FREE PackAlliance workshop – 18 June at 10.00 am

 In Articles

The partners of PackAlliance project: European alliance for training and collaboration for innovation towards the future packaging, invite you to participate in the free online workshop that will be held on June 18 at 10:00 am.
The project aims to encourage collaboration between the Academy and Industry for the development of skills with a view to sustainable and innovative packaging, conceived as an essential element for the transition to Circular Economy in the plastic sector.
The workshop organized by Proplast and the University of Salerno aims to discuss together how to deal with the various pillar issues of training in the Circular Economy, in order to overcome the gap currently existing between basic academic education and the real needs of companies in the field of sustainable packaging.

The workshop will have an introductory part and the participants will be divided into 4 working groups on the following thematic areas:
– New materials and biomaterials
– Ecological design and new production processes
– Interaction with citizens and eco-marketing
– Management / recycling of plastic packaging waste


  • 10.00 Presentation of the PackAlliance project
  • 10.15 Introduction to the Workshop and the 4 thematic areas
  • 10.30 Invited speakers
  1. 10.30 Ing. Protopapa, Corepla: recycling and waste management and citizen interaction and eco-marketing
  2. 10.50 Dr. Sante Conselvan, president of FTA Europe: new materials and ecological design
  • 11.10 Workshop time: division into 4 thematic groups (SWOT analysis)
  • 11.40 Summary presented by the group leaders
  • 12.00 Workshop Feedback

We point out that registration to at least 2 working groups is mandatory.
Two days before the workshop, an email will be sent to all participants with the necessary material and access codes to the platform.

Below is the link for registration